"Род человеческий"

На английском языке название звучит как "Mankind"

Кратко о моралите

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Middle English Text of Mankind

001 MERCY. The very fownder and begynner of owr fyrst creacyon
002 Amonge ws synfull wrechys he oweth to be magnyfyde,
003 þat for owr dysobedyenc he hade non indygnacyon
004 To sende hys own son to be torn and crucyfyede.
005 Owr obsequyouse seruyce to hym xulde be aplyede,
006 Where he was lorde of all and made all thynge of nought,
007 For þe synnfull synnere to hade hym revyude
008 And for hys redempcyon sett hys own son at nought.
009 Yt may be seyde and veryfyede, mankynde was dere bought.
010 By þe pytuose deth of Jhesu he had hys remedye.
011 He was purgyde of hys defawte þat wrechydly hade wrought
012 By hys gloryus passyon, þat blyssyde lauatorye.
013 O souerence, I beseche yow yowr condycyons to rectyfye
014 Ande wyth humylite and reuerence to haue a remocyon
015 To þis blyssyde prynce þat owr nature doth gloryfye,
016 þat 3e may be partycypable of hys retribucyon.
017 I haue be þe very mene for yowr restytucyon.
018 Mercy ys my name, þat mornyth for yowr offence.
019 Dyverte not yowrsylffe in tyme of temtacyon,
020 þat 3e may be acceptable to Gode at yowr goyng hence.
021 þe grett mercy of Gode, þat ys of most preemmynence,
022 Be medyacyon of Owr Lady þat ys euer habundante
023 To þe synfull creature þat wyll repent hys neclygence.
024 I prey Gode at yowr most nede þat mercy be yowr defendawnte.
025 In goode werkys I awyse yow, souerence, to be perseuerante
026 To puryfye yowr sowlys, þat þei be not corupte;
027 For yowr gostly enmy wyll make hys avaunte,
028 Yowr goode condycyons yf he may interrupte.
029 O 3e souerens þat sytt and 3e brothern þat stonde ryght wppe,
030 Pryke not yowr felycytes in thyngys transytorye.
031 Beholde not þe erth, but lyfte yowr ey wppe.
032 Se how þe hede þe members dayly do magnyfye.
033 Who ys þe hede forsoth I xall yow certyfye:
034 I mene Owr Sauyowr, þat was lykynnyde to a lambe;
035 Ande hys sayntys be þe members þat dayly he doth satysfye
036 Wyth þe precyose reuer þat runnyth from hys wombe.
037 Ther ys non such foode, be water nor by londe,
038 So precyouse, so gloryouse, so nedefull to owr entent,
039 For yt hath dyssoluyde mankynde from þe bytter bonde
040 Of þe mortall enmye, þat vemynousse serpente,
041 From þe wyche Gode preserue yow all at þe last jugement!
042 For sekyrly þer xall be a streyt examynacyon,
043 The corn xall be sauyde, þe chaffe xall be brente.
044 I besech yow hertyly, haue þis premedytacyon.
Modern English Translation by Rick McDonald

The founder and beginner of our first creation among us sinful wretches he deserves to be magnified that for our disobedience he had no indignation to send his own son to be torn and crucified. Our obsequious service should to him be applied, where he was lord of all and made all things not to be sinful sinners to revile him and for their redemption set his own son at nought. It may be said and verified that mankind was dearly bought by the pious death of Jesus who is our remedy. He was purged of his default that wretchedly had wrought by his glorious passion that blessed offering. Oh sovereign lord, I beseech you your conditions to rectify and with humility and reverence to have a remission to this blessed prince that our nature does glorify. That ye (or they) may be participants of his retribution. I have been the very means of your restitution. Mercy is my name that mourns for your offence. Divert not yourself in time of temptation so that you may be acceptable to God when you go hence. The great mercy of God that is of most pre-eminence be meditation of our Lady that is ever abundant to the sinful creature that will repent his negligence. I pray God at your most needful that Mercy be your defendant. In good works I advise you sovereignly to be persistent. To purify your soul so it is not corrupt. For your ghostly enemy will make his assault on your good conditions if he can interrupt them. Oh you sovereigns who sit or you brethren that stand upright. Don't devote you love to transitory things. Behold not the earth, but lift up your eyes to the heavens. Remember how the members of the body glorify the head daily. And I will certify who is the head: I mean our savior that was likened to a lamb and the members are his saints that daily he doth satisfy with the precious river that runs from his womb. There is no such food on water or on land so precious, so glorious, so necessary to our intent, for it hath freed mankind from the bitter bond of the mortal enemy, that venomous serpent; from he who God may preserve you from at the last judgment. For certainly there shall be a straight/strict examination.  The corn shall be saved and the chaff shall be burnt. I beseech you heartily to keep these meditations in mind.

106 MERCY. Ladt, helpe! how wrechys delyte in þer synfull weys!
107 NOWADAYS. Say not ageyn þe new gyse nowadays!
108 þou xall fynde ws schrewys at all assays.
109 Be ware! 3e may son lyke a boffett.
110 MERCY. He was well occupyede þat browte yow brethern.
111 NOUGHT. I harde yow call New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought," all þes thre togethere.
112 Yf3e sey þat I lye, I xall make yow to slyther.
113 Lo, take yow here a trepett!
115a MERCY. Say me yowr namys, I know yow not.
115b NEW GYSE. New Gyse, I.
115c NOWADAYS. I, Nowadays.
115d NOUGHT. I, Nought.
Mary save us! These wretches delight in their sinfulness.
Don't bad mouth the contemporary fashion. You will find us villainous in all things. Watch out or we'll lay the smack down on you, punk!
Whoever made you guys brothers knew what he was doing.
Nought: I heard you call us "New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought" all three together. If you say that I lie I shall make you crawl. Have a nice trip--see you next fall. (They play a trick on Mercy)
Tell me your names! I don't know you.
New Guise:
New Guise am I
I am Nowadays
I'm Nought
116 MERCY. Be Jhesy Cryst þat me dere bowte
117 3e betray many men.
118 NEW GYSE. Betray! nay, nay, ser, nay, nay!
119 We make them both fresch and gay.
120 Buy of yowr name, ser, I yow prey,
121 That we may yow ken.
122 MERCY. Mercy ys my name by denomynacyon.
123 I conseyue 3e haue but a lytyll fauour in my communycacyon.
124 NEW GYSE. Ey, ey! yowr body ys full of Englysch Laten.
125 Iam aferde yt wyll brest.
126 "Prauo te", quod þe bocher onto me
127 When I slale a leg of motun.
128 3e are a stronge cunnyng clerke.
129 NOWADAYS. I prey yow hertyly, worschyppull clerke,
130 To haue þis Englysch mad in Laten:
131 "I haue etun a dyschfull of curdys,
132 Ande I haue schetun yowr mowth full of turdys."
133 Now opyn yowr sachell wyth Laten wordys
134 Ande sey me þis in clerycall manere!
135 Also I haue a wyf, her name ys Rachell;
136 Betuyx her and me was a gret batell;
137 Ande fayn of yow I wolde here tell
138 Who was þe most master.
139 NOUGHT. Thy wyf Rachell, I dare ley twenti lyse.
140 NOWADAYS. Who spake to þe, foll? þou art not wyse!
141 Go and do þat longyth to þin offyce:
142 Osculare fundamentum!
143 NOUGHT. Lo, master, lo, here ys a pardon bely-mett.
144 Yt ys grawntyde of Pope Pokett,
145 Yf ye wyll putt yowr nose in hys wyffys sockett,
146 3e xall haue forty days of pardon.
147 MERCY. Thys ydyll language 3e xall repent.
148 Out of þis place I wolde 3e went.
149 NEW GYSE. Goo we hens all thre wyth on assent.
150 My fadyr ys yrke of owr eloquence.
151 þerfor I wull no lenger tary.
152 Gode brynge yow, master, blyssyde Mary
153 to þe number of þe demonycall frayry!
154 NOWADAYS. Cum wynde, cum reyn,
155 Thow I cumme neuer ageyn!
156 þe Deull put out both yowr eyn!
157 Felouse, go we hens tyght.
158 NOUGHT. Go we hens a deull wey!
159 Here ys þe dore, her ys þe wey.
160 Farwell, jentyll Jaffrey,
161 I prey Gode gyf yow now goode nyght!
161a Exiant simul. Cantent
Mercy: Oh, By our lord who redeemed us from sin--I know you three tempters--you betray many.
New Guise:
"Betray" "Betray?" Say it ain't so. We make men lively and happy, But I didn't catch your name.
Mercy is my name and my attribute. I'd bet you three have had very little to do with me in the past.
New Guise:
You could say that again--you're so old-fashioned and boring I'm shocked your still alive. "Damn you" , (---said the butcher when I stole a leg of mutton.) But I've heard of you, you're a true scholar.
I ask you truly Mr. all-knowing scholar, can you translate something into Latin for me? Here it is:
"I have eaten a dishful of curds./And I have shitten (or shut) your mouth full of turds/"
Now open you bag of Latin words, and restate this in a scholarly way! Also, I have wife named Rachel. She and I always fight--tell me which of us should be the master.
Your wife is your master--I'd bet twenty lice!
I wasn't talking to you, Fool. You are not wise. Go and do what is appropriate to you: "Kiss my Ass!"
O.K. Then, Here's an excuse to satisfy your belly. It is guaranteed by a pope's indulgence that if you put your nose in your wife's socket (Vagina) you shall receive 40 days of relief from sins.
This is stupid language and you will all repent it. Why don't you three just leave?
New Guise:
We will all go together our father, here, is bothered by our obvious eloquence. So we can stay no longer. God bring you Mercy and the Blessed Mary into the Friary of Hell.
Come wind, come rain. If I never come here again, I hope the devil puts out both your eyes. Fellows, let us take our leave.
Go we hence the devil's way! Here is the door, here is the way. Farewell gentle Jaffrey. I pray God now give you good night!
(The three leave singing a bawdy song)

116 MERCY. Be Jhesy Cryst þat me dere bowte
117 3e betray many men.
118 NEW GYSE. Betray! nay, nay, ser, nay, nay!
119 We make them both fresch and gay.
120 Buy of yowr name, ser, I yow prey,
121 That we may yow ken.
122 MERCY. Mercy ys my name by denomynacyon.
123 I conseyue 3e haue but a lytyll fauour in my communycacyon.
124 NEW GYSE. Ey, ey! yowr body ys full of Englysch Laten.
125 Iam aferde yt wyll brest.
126 "Prauo te", quod þe bocher onto me
127 When I slale a leg of motun.
128 3e are a stronge cunnyng clerke.
129 NOWADAYS. I prey yow hertyly, worschyppull clerke,
130 To haue þis Englysch mad in Laten:
131 "I haue etun a dyschfull of curdys,
132 Ande I haue schetun yowr mowth full of turdys."
133 Now opyn yowr sachell wyth Laten wordys
134 Ande sey me þis in clerycall manere!
135 Also I haue a wyf, her name ys Rachell;
136 Betuyx her and me was a gret batell;
137 Ande fayn of yow I wolde here tell
138 Who was þe most master.
139 NOUGHT. Thy wyf Rachell, I dare ley twenti lyse.
140 NOWADAYS. Who spake to þe, foll? þou art not wyse!
141 Go and do þat longyth to þin offyce:
142 Osculare fundamentum!
143 NOUGHT. Lo, master, lo, here ys a pardon bely-mett.
144 Yt ys grawntyde of Pope Pokett,
145 Yf ye wyll putt yowr nose in hys wyffys sockett,
146 3e xall haue forty days of pardon.
147 MERCY. Thys ydyll language 3e xall repent.
148 Out of þis place I wolde 3e went.
149 NEW GYSE. Goo we hens all thre wyth on assent.
150 My fadyr ys yrke of owr eloquence.
151 þerfor I wull no lenger tary.
152 Gode brynge yow, master, blyssyde Mary
153 to þe number of þe demonycall frayry!
154 NOWADAYS. Cum wynde, cum reyn,
155 Thow I cumme neuer ageyn!
156 þe Deull put out both yowr eyn!
157 Felouse, go we hens tyght.
158 NOUGHT. Go we hens a deull wey!
159 Here ys þe dore, her ys þe wey.
160 Farwell, jentyll Jaffrey,
161 I prey Gode gyf yow now goode nyght!
161a Exiant simul. Cantent
Mercy: Oh, By our lord who redeemed us from sin--I know you three tempters--you betray many.
New Guise:
"Betray" "Betray?" Say it ain't so. We make men lively and happy, But I didn't catch your name.
Mercy is my name and my attribute. I'd bet you three have had very little to do with me in the past.
New Guise:
You could say that again--you're so old-fashioned and boring I'm shocked your still alive. "Damn you" , (---said the butcher when I stole a leg of mutton.) But I've heard of you, you're a true scholar.
I ask you truly Mr. all-knowing scholar, can you translate something into Latin for me? Here it is:
"I have eaten a dishful of curds./And I have shitten (or shut) your mouth full of turds/"
Now open you bag of Latin words, and restate this in a scholarly way! Also, I have wife named Rachel. She and I always fight--tell me which of us should be the master.
Your wife is your master--I'd bet twenty lice!
I wasn't talking to you, Fool. You are not wise. Go and do what is appropriate to you: "Kiss my Ass!"
O.K. Then, Here's an excuse to satisfy your belly. It is guaranteed by a pope's indulgence that if you put your nose in your wife's socket (Vagina) you shall receive 40 days of relief from sins.
This is stupid language and you will all repent it. Why don't you three just leave?
New Guise:
We will all go together our father, here, is bothered by our obvious eloquence. So we can stay no longer. God bring you Mercy and the Blessed Mary into the Friary of Hell.
Come wind, come rain. If I never come here again, I hope the devil puts out both your eyes. Fellows, let us take our leave.
Go we hence the devil's way! Here is the door, here is the way. Farewell gentle Jaffrey. I pray God now give you good night!
(The three leave singing a bawdy song)

162 MERCY. Thankyde be Gode, we haue a fayer dylyuerance
163 Of þes thre onthryfty gestys.
164 They know full lytyll what ys þer ordynance.
165 I preue by reson þei be wers þen bestys:
166 A best doth after hys naturall instytucyon;
167 3e may conseyue be there dysporte and behauour,
168 þer joy ande delyte ys in derysyon
169 Of her owyn Cryste to hys dyshonur.
170 Thys condycyon of leuyng, yt ys prejudycyall;
171 Be ware þerof, yt ys wers þan ony felony or treson.
172 How may yt be excusyde before þe Justyce of all
173 When for euery ydyll worde we muste 3elde a reson?
174 They haue grett ease, þerfor þei wyll take no thought.
175 But how þen when þe angell of hewyn xall blow þe trumpe
176 And sey to þe transgressors þat wykkydly hath wrought,
177 "Cum forth onto yowr Juge and 3elde yowr acownte"?
178 Then xall I, Mercy, begyn sore to wepe;
179 Noþer comfort nor cownsell þer xall non be hade;
180 But such as þei haue sowyn, such xall þei repe.
181 þei be wanton now, but þeen xall þei be sade.
182 The goode new gyse nowadays I wyll not dysalow.
183 I dyscomende þe vycyouse gyse; I prey haue me excusyde,
184 I nede not to speke of yt, yowr reson wyll tell yt yow.
185 Take þat ys to be takyn and leue þat ys to be refusyde.
186 MANKYNDE. Of þe erth and of þe cley we haue owr propagacyon.
187 By þe prouydens of Gode þus be we deryvatt,
188 To whos mercy I recomende þis holl congrygacyon:
189 I hope onto hys blysse ye be all predestynatt.
190 Euery man for hys degre I tust xall be partycypatt,
191 Yf ye wyll mortyfye owr carnall condycyon
192 Ande owr voluntarye dysyres, þat euer be pervercyonatt,
193 To renunce þem and yelde ws wnder Godys provycyon.
194 My name ys Mankynde. I haue my composycyon
195 Of a body and of a soull, of condycyon contrarye.
196 Betwyx hem tweyn ys a grett dyvisyon;
197 He þat xulde be subjecte, now he hath þe victory.
198 Thys ys to me a lamentable story
199 To se my flesch of my soull to haue gouernance.
200 Wher þe goodewyff ys master, þe goodeman may be sory.
201 I may both syth and sobbe, þis ys a pytouse remembrance.
202 O thou my soull, so sotyll in thy substance,
203 Alasse, what was þi fortune and þi chaunce
204 To be assocyat wyth my flesch, þat stynkyng dungehyll?
205 Lady, helpe! Souerens, yt doth my soull myche yll
206 To se þe flesch prosperouse and þe soull trodyn wnder fote.
207 I xall go to yondyr man and asay hym y wyll.
208 I trust of gostly solace he wyll be my bote.
209 All heyll, semely father! 3e be welcom to þis house.
210 Of þe very wysdam 3e haue partycypacyon.
211 My body wyth my soule ys euer querulose.
212 I prey yow, for sent charyte, of yowr supportacyon.
213 I beseche yow hertyly of yowr gostly comforte.
214 I am onstedfast in lywynge; my name ys Mankynde.
215 My gostly enmy þe Deull wyll haue a grett dysporte
216 In synfull gydynge yf he may se me ende.
Thank God for saving me from those three worthless guests. They don't know what is right and wrong. They are worse than beasts. A Beast when he acts beastly is just doing what comes naturally. But I can tell from the way they behave that their pleasure is derisive and dishonorable to God. This way of living is unjust and is worse than a felony or treason. How could one ever excuse such behavior before God who wants us to not be foolish but follow reason. They enjoy themselves and so they don't think, but when the Angel of God blows the trumpet on judgment day and says to these transgressors who have created wickedness "Come explain your life to the judge," I (Mercy) shall have to weep because neither comfort nor counsel shall they have. But such as they have sown--so shall they reap. They be riotous now, but then they will be sad. I will not ignore any good they did, but I don't recommend their lifestyle. But I don't even need to tell them they know what they are. Some people will be taken to heaven and others will be refused.
Enter Mankind

We are made from earth and clay by God's providence thus we are created to whose mercy I recommend the whole world. I hope that I will be admitted into his heaven and that every man shall receive what he deserves accordingly. If we reject our carnal (lustful) nature and our voluntary desires, that are always perversions, and renounce them and yield ourselves over to God providence. My name is Mankind , I have a body and soul and they have contrary desires. Between them is great disagreement, The one that should be mastered sometimes is the master. It is a sad story that my flesh often governs my soul. Where the wife is in charge, you can bet the husband is sorry. I sigh and sob at this pitiful remembrance. Oh my soul, how subtle is your substance, and yet your fortune and chance is that you must be associated with my flesh which stinks like a dunghill. Virgin May, help me! Lord it does my soul much harm that I am so flesh-happy and my soul is trod upon under foot. I shall approach that man over there and ask him if he will provide me with some spiritual solace and act as a relief to me.
All Hail fair sir, You are welcome to my house. I need some of your wisdom--My body and soul are always at odds. I pray for charities sake, lend me your support. I ask you seriously to give me some spiritual comfort. I am unsteadfast of living; my name is Mankind and my ghostly enemy the devil will have great rejoicing in leading me to sin if I die like I am now.

217 MERCY. Cryst sende yow goode comforte! 3e be welcum, my frende.
218 Stonde wppe on yowr fete, I prey yow aryse.
219 My name ys Mercy; 3e be to me full hende.
220 To eschew vyce I wyll yow avyse.

221 MANKYNDE. O Mercy, of all grace and vertu 3e are þe well,
222 I haue herde tell of ryght worschyppfull clerkys.
223 3e be approxymatt to Gode and nere of hys consell.
224 He hat instytut you aboue all hys werkys.
225 O, yowr louely wordys to my soull are swetere þen hony.

226 MERCY. The temptacyon of þe flesch 3e must resyst lyke a man,
227 For þer ys euer a batell betwyx þe soull and þe body:
228 "Vita hominis est milicia super terram."
229 Oppresse yowr gostly enmy and be Crystys own knyght.
230 Be neuer a cowarde ageyn yowr aduersary.
231 Yf 3e wyll be crownyde, 3e must nedys fyght.
232 Intende well and Gode wyll be yow adjutory.
233 Remember, my frende, þe tyme of contynuance.
234 So helpe me Gode, yt ys but a chery tyme.
235 Spende yt well; serue Gode wyth hertys affyance.
236 Dystempure not yowr brayn wyth goode ale nor wyth wyn.
237 Mesure ys tresure. Y forbyde yow not e vse.
238 Mesure yowrself euer; be ware of excesse.
239 þe superfluouse gyse I wyll þat 3e refuse,
240 When nature ys suffysyde, anon þat 3e sese.
241 Yf a man haue an hors and kepe hym not to hye,
242 He may then reull hym at hys own dysyere.
243 Yf he be fede ouerwell he wyll dysobey
244 Ande in happe cast his master in þe myre.

245 NEW GYSE. 3e sey trew, ser, 3e are no faytour.
246 I haue fede my wyff so well tyll sche ys my master.
247 I haue a grett wonde on my hede, lo! and þeron leyth a playster,
248 Ande anoþer þer I pysse my peson.
249 Ande my wyf were yowr hors, sche wold yow all to-banne.
250 3e fede yowr hors in mesure, 3e are a wyse man.
251 I trow, and 3e were þe kyngys palfreyman,
252 A goode horse xulde be gesunne.

Christ send you good Comfort! You are welcome my friend. Stand up on your feet, please get up. My name is Mercy. We are lucky to meet up--I will tell you how to avoid vice.
Oh Mercy, I'm glad it's you I've found. I have heard of your upstanding reputation and learning. You are close to God and know well his counsel. He has made you his most important virtue. Oh, your lovely words will be honey to my soul.

You must resist the temptations of the flesh like a man. For there will always be a battle between the soul and the body. "The life of man on earth is a battle (Latin)". Defeat your spiritual enemy and become Christ's own Knight. Never be afraid of the adversary. If you want to be rewarded by God you must be ready for the fight. Try your best and God will be your helper. Remember my friend, your time on earth--so help me god--is but a season. Spend it well; serve god with your hearts loyalty. Do not unsettle your brain with strong ale or wine. Moderation is a great treasure; I do not forbid you to drink, but moderate yourself and be wary of overindulgence. Reject overindulgence and cease when you have had your fill. If a man has a horse and he stables him modestly he will then be able to control him when he needs to, but if he over feeds him, the horse will be disobedient and may some day dump him in the mire.
(We hear the voice of New Guise from off stage)
New Guise:
You say true sir, you are no liar. I have fed my wife too well and she has become my master. I now have a great wound on my head and on it is a poultice. And I have another where I piss. And if my wife were your horse she would curse you. You feed your horse moderately and you are a wise man. I believe that if you were the King's stableman good horses would be scarce.

253 MANKYNDE. Wher spekys þis felow? Wyll he not com nere?

254 MERCY. All to son, my brother, I fere me, for yow.
255 He was here ryght now, by hym þat bowte me dere,
256 Wyth oþer of hys felouse; þei kan moche sorow.
257 They wyll be here ryght son, yf I owt departe.
258 Thynke on my doctryne; yt xall be yowr defence.
259 Lerne wyll I am here, sett my wordys in herte.
260 Wythin a schorte space I must nedys hens.

261 NOWADAYS. þe sonner þe leuer, and yt be ewyn anon!
262 I trow yowr name ys Do Lytyll, 3e be so long fro hom.
263 If 3e wolde go hens, we xall cum euerychon,
264 Mo þen a goode sorte.
265 3e haue leve, I dare well say.
266 When 3e wyll, go forth yowr wey.
267 Men haue lytyll deynte of yowr pley
268 Because 3e make no sporte.

269 NOUGHT. Yowr potage xall be forcolde, ser; when wyll 3e go dyn?
270 I haue sen a man lost twenti noblys in as lytyll tyme;
271 3et yt was not I, be Sent Quyntyn,
272 For I was neuer worth a pottfull a wortys sythyn I was born.
273 My name ys Nought. I loue well to make mery.
274 I haue be sethen wyth þe comyn tapster of Bury
275 And pleyde so longe þe foll þat I am ewyn wery.
276 3yt xall I be þer ageyn to-morn.

277 MERCY. I haue moche care for yow, my own frende.
278 Yowr enmys wyll be here anon, þei make þer avaunte.
279 Thynke well in yowr hert, yowr name ys Mankynde;
280 Be not wnkynde to Gode, I prey yow be hys seruante.
281 Be stedfast in condycyon; se 3e be not varyant.
282 Lose not thorow foly þat ys bowte so dere.
283 Gode wyll proue yow son; ande yf þat 3e be constant,
284 Of hys blysse perpetuall 3e xall be partener.
285 3e may not haue yowr intent at yowr fyrst dysyere.
286 Se þe grett pacyence of Job in tribulacyon;
287 Lyke as þe smythtrieth ern in þ feere,
288 So was he triede by Gods vysytacyon.
289 3e may not haue yowr intent at yowr fragylyte;
290 Folow þe steppys of hym, my own swete sone,
291 Ande sey as he seyde in yowr trobyll ad aduersyte:
292 "Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit; sicut sibi placuit,
ita factum est; nomen Domini benedictum!"
293 More ouer, in specyall I gyue yow in charge,
294 Be wareof New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.
295 Nyse in þer aray, in language þei be large;
296 To perverte yowr condycyons all þe menys xall be sowte.
297 Gode son, intromytt not yowrsylff in þer cumpeny.
298 þei harde not a masse þis twelmonyth, I dare well say.
299 Gyff them non audyence; þei wyll tell yow many a lye.
300 Do truly yowr labure and kepe yowr halyday.
301 Be ware of Tytivillus, for he lesyth no wey,
302 þat goth invysybull and wyll not be sen.
303 He wyll ronde in yowre ere and cast a nett befor yowr ey.
304 He ys worst of þem all; Gode lett hym neuer then!
305 Yf 3e dysples Gode, aske mercy anon,
306 Ellys Myscheff wyll be redy to brace yow in hys brydyll.
307 Kysse me now, my dere darlynge. Gode schelde yow from yowr fon!
308 Do truly yowr labure and be neuer ydyll.
309 The blyssynge of Gode be wyth yow and wyth all þes worschyppull men!

Who said that? When will he come out of hiding?
All too soon, my friend, I fear for you when he does. He was here a while ago, by God, with his other fellows They know much that is sorrowful, and they will soon be here, as soon as I leave. Remember what I have told you and it will be your defense. Learn while I am here and set my words in your heart. Soon I must leave you.
The sooner the better, in fact why not leave now! I bet your real name is Do Nothing you're never at your home. If you will just go a great many fun lovers shall come out. You have our permission to go your way , Please! People have little use for your attitudes because you don't know how to have fun.

Get going or your food will be cold when you get home. A man would have time to lose $200 in as little time as it takes you to get going. You're nothing like me, by Saint Quentin, I was never worth a potful of cabbage since the day I was born. My name is Nought and I like to have fun. Ever since I last saw you I've been with the barmaid in the bar in Bury; playing the fool so long even I'm weary. Yet I'm sure I'll be there again tomorrow morning.
I'm quite concerned about you, my young friend, your enemies will be here soon and will make their assault on you. Keep good intentions in your heart, your name is Mankind. Don't be unkind to God, I beg you--be his servant. Be steadfast in nature so you will not stray. Don't lose through folly that which was so dearly bought for you. God will test you son and if you're found constant, you shall be a participant in God's perpetual bliss. You may not know your potential by your first desire. Remember the great patience of Job in tribulation. Just like the blacksmith strengthens iron in the fire, so was he tested by God's means. You may not have the will to overcome your frailness, but follow Job's steps my son and say as he did in his trouble and his adversity, "(in Latin) The Lord gave; the lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Moreover, I especially hope you will be wary of New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought both in their actions and their words they are mostly trying by all means to corrupt your character. Good son, do not spend time with them. They haven't been to Church in a year, I bet. Do not listen to them, they will only tell you many lies. Be a good worker and go to Church, and beware of Titivillus for he is expert and can move invisibly and not be seen. He will whisper in your ear and create traps before your eyes. He is the worst of all of them, don't give him any opportunity to corrupt you! If you doubt God, ask mercy immediately or Mischief will ride you like his donkey. Kiss me now my good boy . God protect you from harm! Do good work and don't be lazy. God's blessings go with you and with all people. (goodbye).

310 MANKYNDE. Amen, for sent charyte, amen!
311 Now blyssyde be Jhesu! my soull ys well scyatt
312 Wyth þe mellyfluose doctryne of þis worschyppful man.
313 The rebellyn of my flesch now yt ys superatt,
314 Thankynge be Gode of þe commynge þat I kam.
315 Her wyll I sytt and tytyll in þis papyr
316 The incomparable astat of my promycyon.
317 Worschypfull souerence, I haue wretym here
318 The gloryouse remembrance of my nobyll condycyon.
319 To haue remos and memory of mysylff þus wretyn yt ys,
320 To defende me from all superstycyus charmys:
321 "Memento, homo, quod cinis es et in cinerem reuerteris."
322 Lo, I ber on my bryst þe bagge of myn armys.

323 NEW GYSE. The wether ys colde, Gode sende ws goode ferys!
324 "Cum sancto sanctus eris et cum peruerso peruerteris."
325 "Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum," quod þe Deull to þe frerys,
326 "Babitare fratres in vnum."

327 MANKYNDE. I her a felow speke; wyth hym I wyll not mell.
328 Thys erth wyth my spade I xall assay to delffe.
329 To eschew ydullnes, I do yt myn own selffe.
330 I prey Gode sende yt hys fusyon!

331 NOWADAYS. Make rom, sers, for we haue be longe!
332 We wyll cum gyf yow a Crystemes songe.

333 NOUGHT. Now I prey all þe yemandry þat ys here
334 To synge wyth ws wyth a mery chere:
335 Yt ys wretyn wyth a coll, yt ys wretyn wyth a cole,

336 NEW GYSE and NOWADAYS. Yt ys wretyn wyth a colle, yt ys wretyn wyth a colle,

337 NOUGHT. He þat schytyth wyth hys hoyll, he þat schytyth wyth hys hoyll,

338 NEW GYSE, NOWADAYS. He þat schytyth wyth hys hoyll, he þat schytyth wyth hys hoyll,

339 NOUGHT. But he wyppe hys ars clen, but he wyppe hys ars clen,

340 NEW GYSE, NOWADAYS. But he wyppe hys ars clen, but he wyppe hys ars clen,

341 NOUGHT. On hys breche yt xall be sen, on hys breche yt xall be sen,

342 NEW GYSE, NOWADAYS. On hys breche yt xall be sen, on hys breche yt xall be sen.

343 Cantant OMNES. Holyoke, holyoke, holyoke! holyoke, holyoke, holyoke!

Amen, for Saint Charity, Amen! Now blessed be Jesus my soul is well-prepared with the mellifluous doctrine of this reverent man (Mercy). The rebellion of my flesh is now suppressed. Thank God I came when I did. Now I'll just sit here and write on this paper about the incredible promise of redemption. Worshipful people, I have written here about the glorious truth of my noble condition to be able to have remorse and remembrance. I have written it to help defend myself from all evil spells. (The Latin badge he will wear, reads) "Remember people that you are made of dust and unto dust you shall return." And this paper I will wear on my breast as spiritual armor.
New Guise:
The weather is cold, God send us good fires! "(Latin) With the pure you will show yourself pure and with the forward you will show yourself forward." "Behold how good and pleasant it is" said the Devil to the friars, "for all the brethren to dwell together in unity."

I hear a man speak, but I think I'll avoid him. Instead I'll work to start a garden with my shovel. That way I'll avoid laziness, and make myself industrious. I pray God sends me good fortune.

Get ready fellas we've been apart too long--let's sing a Christmas song.
Let's all work at singing and having fun:
"It is written with a coal, it is written with a coal"
New Guise and Nowadays (repeating him)
"It is written with a coal, it is written with a coal." (he sings)
He that shiteth with his hole, He that shiteth with his hole
New Guise and Nowadays:
He that shiteth with his hole, He that shiteth with his hole
Unless he wipes his ass clean, unless he wipes his ass clean.
New Guise and Nowadays
Unless he wipes his ass clean, unless he wipes his ass clean.
On his pants it shall be seen, on his pants it shall be seen.
New Guise and Nought:
On his pants it shall be seen, on his pants it shall be seen.
All Three Sing:
Holely, hole lick! Holely, hole lick! Holely, hole lick!

344 NEW GYSE. Ey, Mankynde, Gode spede yow wyth yowr spade!
345 I xall tell yow of a maryage:
346 I wolde yowr mowth and hys ars þat þis made
347 Wer maryede junctly together.

348 MANKYNDE. Hey yow hens, felouse, wyth bredynge.
349 Leue yowr derysyon and yowr japyng.
350 I must nedys labure, yt ys my lyvynge.

351 NOWADAYS. What, ser, we cam but lat hethyr.
352 Xall all þis corn here
353 þat 3e xall haue þe nexte 3er?
354 Yf yt be so, corne hade nede be dere,
355 Ellys 3e xall haue a pore lyffe.

356 NOUGHT. Alasse, goode fadere, þis labor fretyth yow to þe bon.
357 But for yowr croppe I take grett mone.
358 3e xall neuer spende yt alonne;
359 I xall assay to geett yow a wyffe.
360 How many acres suppose 3e here by estymacyon?

361 NEW GYSE. Ey, how 3e turne þe erth wppe and down!
362 I haue be in my days in many goode town
363 3ett saw I neuer such another tyllynge.

364 MANKYNDE. Why stonde ye ydyll? Yt ys pety þat 3e were born!

365 NOWADAYS. We xall bargen wyth yow and noþer moke nor scorne.
366 Take a goode carte in herwest and lode yt wyth yowr corne,
367 And what xall we gyf yow for þe levynge?

368 NOUGHT. He ys a goode starke laburrer, he wolde fayn do well.
369 He hath mett wyth þe goode man Mercy in a schroude sell.
370 For all þis he may haue many a hungry mele.
371 3yt woll 3e se he ys polytyke.
372 Here xall be goode corn, he may not mysse yt;
373 Yf he wyll haue reyn he may oerpysse yt;
374 Ande yf he wyll naue compasse he may ouerblysse yt
375 A lytyll wyth hys ars lyke.

New Guise:
Ah, hello Mankind, God speed you with your shovel. I shall tell you about a marriage of sorts: I wish your mouth were married with the ass of the person who wrote this ditty.
Get out of here, fellows, leave with my reproaches. Quit the insults and jokes and let me work to earn my living.
What?!? We've only just arrived. And is this corn that you plant now all you will have next year? If so you won't have much of a life.
Alas good man you work your fingers to the bone. But for all your crop you will complain. You'll not keep all that yourself, I'll get you a wife to share it with. How many acres do you have for your farm?
New Guise:
Look how you turn the earth. I have been in many towns and I've never seen such cultivating.
Don't you three work? It's a pity you were born.
We shall bargain with you without mock or scorn for a good cartload of corn at the harvest. And what shall we give you for the remains?
He's a good hard worker. He'll have a good harvest. He met with Mercy earlier in an unfortunate moment, now he'll probably go hungry at meals. But you'll still find him thoughtful. He'll have good corn if its at all possible. If he needs some rain he'll piss some and if he needs compost he'll bless his crops with his crap.

376 MANKYNDE. Go and do yowr labur! Gode lett yow neuer the!
377 Or wyth my spade I xall yow dynge, by þe Holy Trinyte!
378 Haue ye non other man to moke, but euer me?
379 3e wolde haue me of yowr sett?
380 Hye yow forth lyuely, for hens I wyll yow dryffe.

381 NEW GYSE. Alas, my jewellys! I xall be schent of my wyff!

382 NOWADAYS. Alasse! and I am lyke neuer for to thryue,
383 I haue such a buffett.

384 MANKYNDE. Hens I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nowte!
385 Yt was seyde beforn, all þe menys xuld be sought
386 To perverte my condycyons and brynge me to nought.
387 Hens, thevys! 3e haue made many a lesynge.

388 NOUGHT. Marryde I was for colde, but now am I warme.
389 3e are ewyll avysyde, ser, for 3e haue don harme.
390 By cokkys body sakyrde, I haue such a peyn in my arme
391 I may not chonge a man a ferthynge.

392 MANKYNDE. Now I thanke Gode, knelynge on my kne.
393 Blyddyde be hys name! he ys of hye degre.
394 By þe subsyde of hys grace þat he hath sente me
395 Thre of myn enmys I haue putt to flyght.
396 3yt þis instrument, souerens, ys not made to defende.
397 Dauide seyth, "Nec in hasta ne in gladio saluat Dominus."

Go somewhere else. God forbid you to continue thus. I'll hit you with my shovel by the Trinity. Isn't there someone else you can bother. You want me to be one of you (but there's no way). Get out of here before I make you go.
(Hits them --New Guise in the groin with his shovel)
New Guise:
Ouch! my Jewels--I shall be useless to my wife.
(Next, he hits Nowadays in the head)
Alas, I'm not likely to do well after receiving such a blow.
Get out, New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought. I was already warned that you would work by all means to corrupt me and bring me to no good. Get away thieves, you have created many deceptions.
(Now , he hits Nought on the arm)
Before I was getting cold, but I'm warm now. You are ill advised to have done me harm sir. By God's bones I have such injuries that I can't lift a dime.
I thank God on my knees. Blessed be his name--He of high renown. By the help of his grace he has helped me drive off three enemies. And yet this instrument (shovel) was not made for defense, but as David says, "(in Latin) Not by the spear of the sword does the lord save."

398 NOUGHT. No, mary, I beschrew yow, yt ys in spadibus.
399 Therfor Crystys curse cum on yowr hedybus
400 To sende yow lesse myght! Exiant

401 MANKYNDE. I promytt yow þes felouse wyll no more cum here,
402 For summe of þem, certenly, were summewhat to nere.
403 My fadyr Mercy avysyde me to be of a goode chere
404 Ande agayn my enmys manly for to fyght.
405 I xall convycte þem, I hope, euerychon.
406 3et I say amysse, I do yt not alon.
407 Wyth þe helpe of þe grace of Gode I resyst my fon
408 Ande þer malycyuse herte.
409 Wyth my spade I wyll departe, my worschyppull souerence,
410 Ande lyue euer wyth labure to corecte my insolence.
411 I xall go fett corn for my londe; I prey yow of pacyence;
412 Ryght son I xall reverte.

413 MYSCHEFF. Alas, alasse, þat euer I was wrought!
414 Alasse þe whyll, I wers þen nought!
415 Sythyn I was here, by hym þat me bought,
416 I am wtterly ondon!
417 I, Myscheff, was here at þe begynnynge of þe game
418 Ande arguyde wyth Mercy, Gode gyff hym schame!
419 He hath taught Mankynde, wyll I haue be vane,
420 To fyght manly ageyn hys fon.
421 For wyth hys spede, þat was hys wepyn,
422 Neu Gyse, Nowadays, Nought hath all to-beton.
423 I haue grett pyte to se þem wepyn.
424 Wyll 3e lyst? I here þem crye. Clamant
425 Alasse, alasse! cum hether, I xall be yowr borow.
426 Alac, alac! ven, ven! cum hethere wyth sorowe!
427 Pesse, fayer babys, 3e xall haue a nappyll to-morow!
428 Why grete 3e so, why?

429 NEU GYSE. Alasse, master, alasse, my privyte!

430 MYSCHEFF. A, wher? alake! fayer babe, ba me!
431 Abyde! to son I xall yt se.

432 NOWADAYS. Here, here, se my hede, goode master!

433 MYSCHEFF. Lady, helpe! sely darlynge, ven, ven!
434 I xall hele þe of þi peyn;
435 I xall smytt of þi hede and sett yt on agayn.

436 NOUGHT. By owr Lady, ser, a fayer playster!
437 Wyll 3e of wyth hys hede! Yt ys a schreude charme!
438 As for me, I haue non harme.
439 I were loth to forbere myn arme.
440 3e pley in nomine patris, choppe!

No by Mary I curse you by that shovel. Therefore Christ's curse be on you head for lending you excessive might! (He leaves)
I promise these fellows will no longer come around here. Certainly some of them came a bit too close. My father Mercy advised me to be of good cheer and to fight manly against my enemies. I shall defeat each one of them. Yet I know I won't do it alone, but with the help of God I will resist my foes and their malicious hearts. With my spade I will depart, my worshipful sovereigns, and live forever with my word to correct my laziness. I shall go find corn for my farm; I pray you of your patience; very soon I will return.
Mischief: Alas, alas that ever I was made! Alas the while I was worse than nothing! Since I was here by he that bought me, I am utterly undone! I, Mischief, was here at the beginning of the game and argued with Mercy, God give him shame! He hath taught Mankind, while I have been prideful, to fight against his foes. Now with his spade as a weapon New guise, Nowadays, and Nought have all been thoroughly beaten.
(The vices cry from off stage)
I have great pity to see those three weep. Will you listen? I hear them cry. Alas, alas come hither I will be your guardian. Alack, alack, come bring your sorrow. Peace, fair babies. You shall have an apple by tomorrow. Why do you weep so? Why?
New Guise:
Alas Master, alas my private parts!
Your what? Alack, kiss me. Too soon I shall see them.
And look at my head good master!
Lady help, silly darling, come come! I shall heal thee of all thy pain. I shall chop off thy head and then set it back on again.
By our lady sir--that's a fair remedy! Will ye "Off with his head?" It is a wicked trick! As for me I have no harm. I would hate to give up my arm. Ye play in the name of the Father Chop (making the sign of the cross)!

441 NEU GYSE. 3e xall not choppe my jewellys, and I may.

442 NOWADAYS. 3e, Cristys crose, wyll 3e smyght my hede awey?
443 Ther wer on and on! Oute! 3e xall not assay.
444 I myght well be callyde a foppe.

445 MYSCHEFF. I kan choppe yt of and make yt agayn.

446 NEW GYSE. I hade a schreude recumbentibus but I fele no peyn.

447 NOWADAYS. Ande my hede ys all saue and holl agayn.
448 Now towchynge þe mater of Mankynde,
449 Lett ws haue an interleddyon, sythen 3e be cum hethere.
450 Yt were goode to haue an ende.

451 MYSCHEFF. How, how, a mynstrell! Know 3e ony out?

452 NOUGHT. I kan pype in a Walsyngham wystyll, I, Nought, Nought.

453 MYSCHEFF. Blowe apase, and þou xall bryng hym in wyth a flewte.

454 TITIVILLUS. I com wyth my leggys wnder me.

455 MYSCHEFF. How, Neu Gyse, Nowadays, herke or I goo!
456 When owr hedys wer togethere I spake si dedero.

457 NEU GYSE. 3e, go þi wey! We xall gaþer mony onto,
458 Ellys þer xall no man hym se.
459 Now gostly to owr purpos, worschypfull souerence,
460 We intende to gather mony, yf yt plesse yowr neclygence,
461 For a man wyth a hede þat ys of grett omnipotens.

462 NOWADAYS. Kepe yowr tayll, in goodnes I prey yow, goode broþer!
463 He ys a worschyppull man, sers, sauyng yowr reuerens.
464 He louyth no grotys, nor pens of to pens.
465 Gyf ws rede reyallys yf 3e wyll se hys abhomynabull presens.

466 NEW GYSE. Not so! 3e þat mow not pay þe ton, pay þe toþer.
467 At þe goodeman of þis house fyrst we wyll assay.
468 Gode blysse yow, master! 3e say as yll, 3et 3e wyll not sey nay.
469 Lett ws go by and by and do þem pay.
470 3e pay all alyke; well mut 3e fare!

471 NOUGHT. I sey, New Gyse, nowadays: "Estis vos pecuniatus?"
472 I haue cryede a fayer wyll, I beschrew yowr patus!

473 NOWADAYS. Ita vere, magister. Cumme forth now yowr gatus!
474 He ys a goodly man, sers; make space and be ware!

New Guise:
You shall not chop off my Jewels if I can help it.
Yes by Christ Will you really chop off my head? How? Where? Why? I'll not let you try! I'd be a fool if I did.
But really, I can chop it off and set it back again.
New Guise:
It would be a wicked cure unless I felt no pain.
And my head is all better anyway. Now let's talk about Mankind. Let's have a discussion since you've come back--it will be good to resolve things.
How now minstrel--what do you know?
I can pipe on a Walsingham whistle, I Nought, Nought.
Blow on my friend and you shall bring with him your flute.
Titivillus (from offstage)
I come with my legs under me.
New Guise, Nowadays, listen to me before I go. When we were working together I told you you'd need to pay up before I come back.
New Guise:
You go your way and we shall gather money or else no man shall see him. ( He addresses the audience/crowd) Now spiritually to our purpose worshipful masters--we intend to gather money if it is pleasing to your indulgence so that we may bring on stage a man of great importance.
Keep a good tally my good brother. He is a worshipful man sirs worth the money. He doesn't like small change my friends. $5s and $10s will be needed, if you want to see his abominable presence.
New Guise:
You that can't pay $5 feel free to pay $10. The heads of the households we will ask first. God bless you masters. You may curse but you can't say No. Hurry up and pay them already. You all pay eventually so pay. (They are soliciting money from the audience before Titivillus will come on stage)
What do you say New Guise? Nowadays? are we wealthy yet? I have begged a good while. Now a curse on your heads!
In that case Master, Open the stage doors New Guise!

475 TITIVILLUS. Ego sum dominancium dominus and my name ys Titivillus.
476 3e þat haue goode hors, to yow I sey caueatis!
477 Here ys an abyll felyschyppe to tryse hem out at yowr gatys.

477a Loquitur ad NEW GYSE:

478 Ego probo sic: Ser New Gys, lende me a peny!

479 NEW GYSE. I haue a grett purse, ser, but I haue no monay.
480 By þe masse, I fayll to farthyngys of an halpenny;
481 3yt hade I ten pound þis nyght þat was.

482 TITYUILLUS loquitur ad NOWADAYS. What ys in þi purse? þou art a stout

483 NOWADAYS. þe Deull haue the qwytt! I am a clen jentyllman.
484 I prey Gode I be neuer wers storyde þen I am.
485 Yt xall be otherwyse, I hope, or þis nyght passe.

486 TITIVILLUS loquitur ad NOUGHT. Herke now! I say þou hast many a peny.

487 NOUGHT. Non nobis, domine, non nobis, by Sent Deny!
488 þe Deull may daunce in my purse for ony peny;
489 Yt ys as clen as a byrdys ars.

490 TITIVILLUS. Now I say 3et ageyn, caueatis!
491 Her ys an abyll felyschyppe to tryse hem out of yowr gatys.
492 Now I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought,
493 Go and serche þe contre, anon yt be sow3te,
494 Summe here, summe þer; what yf 3e may cache ow3te?
495 Yf 3e fayll of hors, take what 3e may ellys.

496 NEW GYSE. Then speke to Mankynde for þe recumbentibus of my jewellys.

497 NOWADAYS. Remember my brokyn hede in þe worschyppe of þe fyve vowellys.

498 NOUGHT. 3e, goode ser, and þe sytyca in my arme.

499 TITIUILLUS. I know full well what Mankynde dyde to yow.
500 Myschyff hat informyde of all þe matere thorow.
501 I xall venge yowr quarell, I make Gode avow.
502 Forth, and espye were 3e may do harme.
503 Take William Fyde, yf 3e wyll haue ony mo.
504 I sey, New Gyse, wethere art þou avysyde to go?

505 NEW GYSE. Fyrst I xall begyn at Master Huntyngton of Sauston,
506 Fro thens I xall go to Wylliam Thurlay of Hauston,
507 Ande so forth to Pycharde of Trumpyngton.
508 I wyll kepe me to þes thre.

509 NOWADAYS. I xall goo to Wyllyham Baker of Waltom,
510 To Rycherde Bollman of Gayton;
511 I xall spare Master Woode of Fullburn,
512 He ys a noli me tangere.

513 NOUGHT. I xall goo to Wyllyam Patryke of Massyngham,
514 I xall spare Master Alyngton of Botysam
515 Ande Hamonde of Soffeham,
516 For rdrede of in manus tuas qweke.
517 Felous, cum forth, and go we hens togethyr.

518 NEU GYSE. Syth we xall go, lett ws be well ware wethere.
519 If we may be take, we com no more hethyr.
520 Lett ws con well owr neke-verse, þat we haue not a cheke.

521 TITIVILLUS. Goo yowr wey, a deull wey, go yowr wey all!
522 I blysse yow wyth my lyfte honde: foull yow befall!
523 Com agayn, I werne, as son as I yow call,
524 And brynge yowr avantage into þis place.
525 To speke wyth Mankynde I wyll tary here þis tyde
526 Ande assay hys goode purpose for to sett asyde.
527 þe goode man Mercy xall no lenger be hys gyde.
528 I xall make hym to dawnce anoþer trace.
529 Euer I go invysybull, yt ys my jett,
530 Ande befor hys ey þus I wyll hange my nett
531 To blench hys syght; I hope to haue hys fote-mett.
532 To yrke hym of hys labur I xall make a frame.
533 Thys borde xall be hyde wnder þe erth preuely;
534 Hys spade xall enter, I hope, onredyly;
535 Be þen he hath assayde, he xall be very angry
536 Ande lose hys pacyens, peyn of schame.
537 I xall menge hys corne wyth drawke and wyth durnell;
538 Yt xall not be lyke to sow nor to sell.
539 Yondyr he commyth; I prey of cownsell.
540 He xall wene grace were wane.

(in Latin) " I am the Lord of lords" and my name is Titivillus. You that have good w/horse--to you I say "beware". Here is an able fellowship to get one thrown out of doors.
(to new Guise) Lend me a Penny!
New Guise:
I may have a big purse but I have no money. I barely have a half penny, but boy last night I spent a great deal.
Titivillus: Then what's in that big purse of yours, big fella?
The Devil take you completely, I'm a clean Gentleman. I pray to God I never had a worse reputation than now. If it is otherwise I hope this night passes quickly.
Titivillus (to Nought):
Listen. I know that you have some money!
Nought: (in Latin):
"Not our own money--you can be sure of that by Saint Denis. The Devil may dance in My purse. It's as empty as a Bird's ass.

I say again, "Beware." Here's a group bound to get one thrown out of doors. Now, New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought, go search the countryside. look everywhere. Here--there--wherever, and see what you can collect. If you fail to find any w/horse(s) take something else.
New Guise:
Then you must talk to Mankind about the restoration of my Jewels.
And don't forget to mention my broken head, by Christ's five wounds.
Yeah, and the sciatica in my Arm.
I know full well what Mankind did to you all. Mischief has told me about the matter thoroughly. I shall avenge your quarrels, by God. Get going and do some harm. Take Professor McDonald with you if you need help. So New Guise where do you think you all will go?
New Guise:
First I'll Go over to Danielle Palmer's, and from there I'll go to Mathew Christenson's and probably over to Harley Murray's also. Mostly I'll work on these three.
I'm gonna go over to Tana Hemsley's and then I'll pay a visit to Preston Whitlock's. I'm thinking I'll spare Ryan Dangerfield at this time; he toucheth me not.
I shall go over to Allyson Rengifo's, But I'll spare Kasey Johnson and Emily Pearce for fear of the old "Into thy hands I commend . . ." Come on guys let's all get going.
New Guise:
Since we shall go let us be careful. For if we are caught we will not be together again. Let us memorize some catchy excuses just in case.
Go your way; the Devil's way; get going all of you. I bless you with my left hand, may foulness befall you. Make sure you come quickly when I call you. And bring what your gained with you. I will wait here to speak with Mankind. And test his abilities to resist temptation. The Good man Mercy is no longer his guide. I shall make him dance to another tune. Even as I go invisible, as is my fashion, I will hang my nets right before his eyes to corrupt his sight, I'll test him. I shall concoct a plan to interrupt his work. I'll hide a board under the ground where he digs with his spade and hinder his progress. Hopefully this will make him very angry, loose his patience, and behave shamefully. I shall mix weeds in with his corn and this will make it difficult to cultivate and sell. Here he comes now. I hope this works and he begins to lose his holiness.

541 MANKYNDE. Now Gode of hys mercy sende ws of hys sonde!
542 I haue brought sede here to sow wyth my londe.
543 Qwyll I ouerdylew yt, here yt xall stonde.
544 In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti now I wyll begyn.
545 Thys londe ys so harde yt makyth wnlusty and yrke.
546 I xall sow my corn at wynter and lett Gode werke!
547 Alasse, my corn ys lost! here ys a foull werke!
548 I se well by tyllynge lytyll xall I wyn.
549 Here I gyff wppe my spade for now and for euer.

549a Here TITIVILLUS goth out wyth þe spade
550 To occupye my body I wyll not put me in deuer.
551 I wyll here my ewynsonge here or I dysseuer.
552 Thys place I assyng as for my kyrke.
553 Here in my kerke I knell on my kneys.
554 Pater noster qui es in celis.

555 TITIVILLUS. I promes yow I haue no lede on my helys.
556 I am here ageyn to make þis felow yrke.
557 Qwyst! pesse! I xall go to hys ere and tytyll þerin.
558 A schorte preyere thyrlyth hewyn; of þi preyere blyn.
559 þou art holyer þen euer was ony of þi kyn.
560 Aryse and avent þe! nature compellys.

561 MANKYNDE. I wyll into þi 3erde, souerens, and cum ageyn son.
562 For drede of þe colyke and eke of þe ston
563 I wyll go do þat nedys must be don.
564 My bedys xall be here for whosummeuer wyll ellys. Exiat

565 TITIUILLUS. Mankynde was besy in hys prayere, 3et I dyde hym aryse.
566 He ys conveyde, be Cryst, from hys dyvyn seruyce.
567 Wethere ys he, trow 3e? Iwysse I am wonder wyse;
568 I haue sent hym forth to schyte lesynges.
569 Yff 3e haue ony syluer, in happe pure brasse,
570 Take a lytyll powder of Parysch and cast ouer hys face,
571 Ande ewyn in þe howll-flyght let hym passe.
572 Titivillus kan lerne yow many praty thyngys.
573 I trow Mankynde wyll cum ageyn son,
574 Or ellys I fere me ewynsonge wyll be don.
575 Hys bedys xall be trysyde asyde, and þat anon.
576 3e xall a goode sport yf 3e wyll abyde.
577 Mankynde cummyth ageyn, well fare he!
578 I xall answere hym ad omnia quare.
579 Ther xall be sett abroche a clerycall mater.
580 I hope of hys purpose to sett hym asyde.
581 MANKYNDE. Ewynsong hath be in þe saynge, I trow, a fayer wyll.
582 I am yrke of yt; yt ys to longe be on myle.
583 Do wey! I wyll no more so oft ouer þe chyrche-style.
584 Be as be may, I xall do anoþer.
585 Of laboure and preyer, I am nere yrke of both;
586 I wyll no more of yt, thow Mercy be wroth.
587 My hede ys very heuy, I tell yow forsoth.
588 I xall slepe full my bely and he wore my broþer.

589 TITIVILLUS. Ande euer 3e dyde, for me kepe now yowr sylence.
590 Not a worde, I charge yow, peyn of forty pens.
591 A praty game xall be scheude yow or 3e go hens.
592 3e may here hym snore; he ys sade aslepe.
593 Qwyst! pesse! þe Deull ys dede! I xall goo ronde in hys ere.
594 Alasse, Mankynde, alasse! Mercy stown a mere!
595 He ys runn away fro hys master, þer wot no man where;
596 Moreouer, he stale both a hors and a nete.
597 But 3et I herde sey he brake hys neke as he rode in Fraunce;
598 But I thynke he rydyth on þe galouse, to lern for to daunce,
599 Bycause of hes theft, þat ys hys gouernance.
600 Trust no more on hym, he ys a marryde man.
601 Mekyll sorow wyth þi spade beforn þou hast wrought.
602 Aryse and aske mercy of Neu Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.
603 þei cun avyse þe for þe best; lett þer goode wyll be sought,
604 And þi own wyff brethell, and take þe a lemman.
605 Farwell, euerychon! for I haue don my game,
606 For I haue brought Mankynde to myscheff and to schame.

Now God of his mercy send us his message. I have seed here to sow on my land. While I till it, it shall stay here. In the Name of the Father Son and Holy spirit I begin. (He's having difficulty because of Titivillus's traps) This land is so hard it makes me unhappy and upset. I shall sow my corn at winter and let God help me. (Time is obviously passing) Alas my corn is lost here is ill fortune. I now see that I will gain little by farming. I give up using a spade now and forever. (Titivillus picks up the discarded spade and takes it off stage) I will no longer attempt to work as an occupation. I will go and hear the evening prayers before I leave. This is the place that is my church I will kneel on my knees. "Our father who art in heaven."
I promise you I can move very quickly. I am back to annoy this fellow. Shush! Peace! I shall go and whisper in his ear. "A short prayer is the most efficient" "Now stop praying. Get up and get going. You've got to take a dump."
I will just sneak off into the yard for a moment and come right back. I dread colic and kidney stones, so I will go do what must be done. I leave my prayer beads here in case someone else can use them.
Mankind was busy praying but I made him get up. He is interrupted from his divine service, by Christ. Where is he you might ask, and oddly enough I know. I have sent him off to shit lies. If you have some silver or perhaps some brass. Take a little powder of Paris and rub it on the brass and it will pass for silver at night. Titivillus can teach you many such things. I trust Mankind will come again soon or else the evening prayers will be over and his prayer beads will be lost as well. Mankind is coming back. I hope everything came out all right. I shall have an answer for any question he might ask. This way I can lead him away from his purpose.
Evening prayers have been going on for too long. I'm tired of them they're too long by a mile. I think I'll cut back on the Church going. I think I'll try doing something else. Both labor and prayer are no fun. Even if it will bother Mercy--I'm gonna give it up. My head is so heavy I could sleep forever, even if my brother needed me.
If you've ever been quiet for me , be so now. Not a word I tell you or you'll owe me money. You shall see an amusing game before you leave here. Do you hear him snore--he is fast asleep. Shush, quiet! "Don't fear the Devil" I'll whisper in his ear. Alas, alas Mankind, Mercy has stolen a horse. He is a runaway slave and he is on the lamb. He stole a horse and an ox cart. And I heard that he broke his neck over in France, but actually I think they hanged him. They taught him that swinging dance because he's a thief--he got what he deserved. Don't trust someone like him. He's a liar--remember how hard the work he ordered was? Arise and make friends with New Guise, Nowadays and Nought. They can best tell you what's right, make amends with them. You should also leave your wife and get a mistress." Farewell all, my work here is done. I have now brought Mankind to mischief and shame.

607 MANKYNDE. Whope who! Mercy hath brokyn hys neke-kycher, avows,
608 Or he hangyth by þe neke hye wppon þe gallouse.
609 Adew, fayer masters! I wyll hast me to þe ale-hous
610 Ande speke wyth New Gyse, Nowadays and Nought
611 And geett me a lemman wyth a smattrynge face.

612 NEW GYSE. Make space, for cokkys body sakyrde, make space!
613 A ha! well ouerron! Gode gyff hym ewyll grace!
614 We were nere Sent Patrykes wey, by hym þat me bought.
615 I was twychyde by þe neke; þe game eas begunne.
616 A grace was, þe halter brast asonder: ecce signum!
617 The halff ys abowte my neke; we hade a nere rune!
618 "Beware," quod þe goodewyff when sche smot of here husbondys hede, "beware!"
619 Myscheff ys a convicte, for he coude hys neke-verse.
620 My body gaff a swynge when I hynge wppon þe casse.
621 Alasse, he wyll hange such a lyghly man, and a fers,
622 For stelynge of an horse, I prey Gode gyf hym care!
623 Do wey þis halter! What deull doth Mankynde here, wyth sorow!
624 Alasse, how my neke ys sore, I make avowe!

625 MANKYNDE. 3e be welcom, Neu Gyse! Ser, what chere wyth yow?

626 NEW GYSE. Well ser, I haue no cause to morn.

627 MANKYNDE. What was þat abowte yowr neke, so Gode yow amende?

628 NEU GYSE. In feyth, Sent Audyrs holy bende.
629 I haue a lytyll dyshes, as yt plese Gode to sende,
630 Wyth a runnynge ryngeworme.

631 NOWADAYS. Stonde arom, I prey þe, broþer myn!
632 I haue laburryde all þis nyght; wen xall we go dyn?
633 A chyrche her besyde xall pay for ale, brede, and wyn.
634 Lo, here ys stoff wyll serue.

635 NEU GYSE. Now by þe holy Mary, þou art better marchande þen I!

636 NOUGHT. Avante, knawys, lett me go by!
637 I kan not geet and I xulde sterue.

638 MYSCHEFF. Here cummyth a man of armys! Why stonde 3e so styll?
639 Of murder and manslawter I haue my bely-fyll.

640 NOWADAYS. What, Myscheff, haue 3e ben in presun? And yt be yowr wyll,
641 Me semyth 3e haue scoryde a peyr of fetters.

Hurray! Mercy has broken his neck or is hanged by the neck high on a gallows. Adieu fair masters I'm off to the nearest alehouse. To speak with New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought and get me a floozy with a pretty face.
New Guise (With a noose dangling from his neck):
Make room by the sacred cock make room. Aha! Well-done! God give him evil grace! We were halfway to Ireland when we heard. I could feel it in my neck that the game has begun. Look here's a sign that grace has broken it's halter (he holds up a noose). One half is about my neck--that was a close shave. "Beware" said the goodwife when she smote off her husbands head "beware." Mischief is convict for he knew his cliché excuses. I felt my body swinging from the gallows. Alas will they hang such a handsome and fierce man for stealing a horse. I pray God helps him take away that halter. What the heck is Mankind doing here. Boy does my neck hurt.
Howdy New Guise how are things with you?
New Guise:
I can't complain.
What’s that around your neck I pray you’re o.k.
New Guise:
It’s the holy neck band of Saint Audrey, I hope it heals a little disease God sent me–I think it’s ringworm.
Stand back my friend,! I have worked all night and want to get something to eat. A local church will be sponsoring our evening feast of ale bread and wine (he produces goods he’s stolen from a church.)
New Guise:
Now by the Holy Mary you are a better merchant than I.
Back off fellows, let me by. I couldn’t steal anything and fear I’ll starve.
(Mischief enters in with chains on his arms)
Here comes an ARM(y) man Why do you stare so. I’ve had my fill of murder and manslaughter.
What have you been in prison? It seems to me you’ve gained a pair of fetters.

642 MYSCHEFF. I was chenyde by þe armys: lo, I haue þem here.
643 The chenys I brast asundyr and kyllyde þe jaylere,
644 3e, ande hys fayer wyff halsyde in a cornere;
645 A, how swetly I kyssyde þe swete mowth of hers!
646 When I hade do, i was myn ow3n bottler;
647 I brought awey wyth me both dysch and dublere.
648 Here ys anow for me; be of goode chere!
649 3et well fare þe new chesance!

650 MANKYNDE. I aske mercy of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.
651 Onys wyth my spade I remember þat I faught.
652 I wyll make yow amendys yf I hurt yow ought
653 Or dyde ony grevaunce.

654 NEW GYSE. What a deull lykyth þe to be of þis dysposycyon?

655 MANKYNDE. I drempt Mercy was hange, þis was my vysyon,
656 Ande þat to yow thre I xulde haue recors and remocyon.
657 Now I prey yow hertyly of yowr goode wyll.
658 I crye yow mercy of all þat I dyde amysse.

659 NOWADAYS. I sey, New Gys, Nought, Tytivillus made all þis:
660 As sekyr as Gode ys in hewyn, so yt ys.

661 NOUGHT. Stonde wppe on yowr feet! why stonde 3e so styll?

662 NEU GYSE. Master Myscheff, we wyll yow exort
663 Mankyndys name in yowr bok for to report.

664 MYSCHEFF. I wyll not so; I wyll sett a corte.
665 Nowadays, mak proclamacyon,
666 And do yt sub forma jurys, dasarde!

667 NOWADAYS. Oyyt! Oy3yt! Oyet! All manere of men and comun momen
668 To þe cort of Myschyff othere cum or sen!
669 Mankynde xall retorn; he ys on of owr men.

670 MYSCHEFF. Nought, cum forth, þou xall be stewede.

671 NEU GYSE. Master Myscheff, hys syde gown may be tolde.
672 He may haue a jakett þerof, and mony tolde.

672a NOUGHT scribit

673 MANKYNDE. I wyll do for þe best, so I haue no colde.
674 Holde, I prey yow, and take yt wyth yow.

675 Ande let me haue yt ageyn in ony wyse.

676 NEW GYSE. I promytt yow a fresch jakett after þe new gyse.

677 MANKYNDE. Go and do þat longyth to yowr offyce,
678 And spare þat 3e mow!

679 NOUGHT. Holde, master Myscheff, and rede þis.

680 MYSCHEFF. Here ys blottybus in blottis,
681 Blottorum blottibus istis.
682 I beschrew yowr erys, a fayer hande!

683 NOWADAYS. 3e, yt ys a goode rennynge fyst.
684 Such an hande mat not be myst.

685 NOUGHT. I xulde haue don better, hade I wyst.

686 MYSCHEFF. Take hede, sere, yt stoude you on hande.
687 Carici tenta generalis
688 In a place þer goode ale ys
689 Anno regni regitalis
690 Edwardi nullateni
691 On 3estern day in Feuerere--þe 3ere passyth fully,
692 As Nought hath wrytyn; here ys owr Tulli,
693 Anno regni regis nulli!

694 NOWADAYS. What how, Neu Gyse! þou makyst moche taryynge.
695 þat jakett xall not be worth a ferthynge.

696 NEW GYSE. Out of my wey, sers, for drede of fyghtynge!
697 Lo, here ys a feet tayll, lyght to leppe abowte!

698 NOUGHT. Yt ys not schapyn worth a morsell of brede;
699 Ther ys to moche cloth, yt weys as ony lede.
700 I xall goo and mende yt, ellys I wyll lose my hede.
701 Make space sers, lett me go owte.

I was chained by the arms –see these chains. I burst the chains and attacked my jailer. And then I grabbed his wife in the corner–ah how sweetly I kissed that pretty mouth of hers. When I was finished with her–I was my own butler I walked off with their dishes and platters and that’s enough for me. Right? Here’s to robbery!
New Guise, Nowadays, Nought forgive me for beating you with my shovel. I’ll make it up to all of you for your pain and suffering.
New Guise:
What made you begin to care about us?
I dreamt that Mercy was hanged. And that I should apologize to you three. Please forgive me!
I say, hey New Guise and Nought–this must be the work of Titivillus–as sure as God is in heaven.
Get up don’t sit still.
New Guise:
Mischief–I beg you make Mankind one of us–write his name in your book.
It’s not that simple: I’ll call together a council then I’ll make a pronouncement. These things must be done just right–you idiot.
Whoa, Whoa, Whore, come ye all you men and common women, to the court of Mischief, all of his followers should attend.
Come here Nought–you’ll be my secretary
New Guise:
I enter into evidence Mankind’s outrageously large coat.
(Nought takes Notes)
I guess you can use the coat for evidence –it’s not very cold out. But please give it back when you’re done.
New Guise:
I will permit you to buy a new more stylish one.
Do what you must but give me back what you can.
Mischief Read this to the court.
Blot Blot Blot Scribble. Oh blast you, your bad hearing and bad handwriting.
Yes, but its such a good running fist of writing that hand will never be missed.
I should have written more neatly if I’d known you’d look so closely.
Listen up this next part concerns you all. (He reads ) "The Court being in session in a place that serves good ale, in the holy year of King Edward the zero on Yesterday in February." It unfolds just as he writes–he’s a regular Cicero.
New Guise what’s the hold up. That coat isn’t worth anything.
New Guise:
Out of my way, or I’ll beat you. Look this Jacket has a Tale/tail nice for when one must leap about.
I wouldn’t give you a crumb for the tailoring of it. It’s too big and too heavy. But I think I can improve on it–by my head. Give me room–let me out.

702 MYSCHEFF. Mankynde, cum hethere! God sende yow þe gowte!
703 3e xall goo to all þe goode felouse in þe cuntre aboute;
704 Onto þe goodewyff when þe goodeman ys owte.
705a "I wyll," sey 3e.

705b MANKYNDE. I wyll, ser.

706 NEW GYSE. There arn but sex dedly synnys, lechery ys non,
707 As yt may be verefyede be ws brethellys euerychon.
708 3e xall goo robbe, stell, and kyll, as fast as ye may gon.
709a "I wyll," sey 3e.

709b MANKYNDE. I wyll, ser.

710 NOWADAYS. On Sundays on þe morow erly betyme
711 3e xall wyth ws to þe all-house erly to go dyn
712 And forbere masse and matens, owres and prime.
713a "I wyll," sey 3e.

713b MANKYNDE. I wyll, ser.

714 MYSCHEFF. 3e must haue be yowr syde a longe da pacem,
715 As trew meen ryde be þe wey for to onbrace þem,
716 Take þer monay, kytt þer throtys, thus ouerface þem.
717a "I wyll," sey 3e.

717b MANKYNDE. I wyll, ser.

718 NOUGHT. Here ys a joly jakett! How sey 3e?

719 NEW GYSE. Yt ys a goode jake of fence for a mannys body.
720 Hay, doog, hay! whooe whoo! Go yowr wey lyghtly!
721 3e are well made for to ren.

722 MYSCHEFF. Tydyngys, tydyngys! I haue aspyde on!
723 Hens wyth yowr stuff, fast we were gon!
724 I beschrew þe last þall cam to hys hom.

725 Dicant OMNES. Amen!

726 MERCY. What how, Mankynde! Fle þat felyschyppe, I yow prey!

727 MANKYNDE. I xall speke wyth þe anoþer tyme, to morn, or þe next day.
728 We xall goo forth together to kepe my faders 3er-day.
729 A tapster, a tapster! Stow, statt, stow!

730 MYSCHEFF. A myscheff go wyth! here I haue foull fall.
731 Hens, awey fro me, or I xall beschyte yow all.

732 NEW GYSE. What how, ostlere, hostlere! Lende ws a football!
733 Whoppe whow! Anow, anow, anow, anow!

Mankind, come here. God send you the gout. You shall go to all of the people of the country and get onto the goodwoman when the goodman of the house is out. Promise me!
I promise I will.
New Guise:
There are really only six deadly sins–and Lechery ain’t one of them. Got to any brothel if you need proof of that. You shall also rob, steal and kill as fast as any man can move. Say you promise!
I promise
You must carry a long dagger. And as men ride by, you must attack and rob them cut their throats and carve them up. Say you promise!
I Promise
Nought: (returning with Mankind’s coat significantly shortened)
What do you think of this jacket now.
New Guise:
It’s a nice size to protect a man’s body you old dog. You’re a fun loving guy.
Mischief (Sees Mercy coming from off stage):
I have news! I see someone-- get your stuff and let’s go. The last one out is a rotten egg.
Mankind, what has happened to you. Don’t hang around with these fools.
Mankind: I don’t have time to talk to you right now. Maybe we could visit my father’s grave some time. But Now A beer! A Beer! I say Come here you barwench!
You all suck–come near me and I’ll take a shit right on you.
New Guise:
What ho! Your saucy! Join in our game!

734 MERCY. My mynde ys dyspersyde, my body trymmelyth as þe aspen leffe.
735 The terys xuld trekyll down by my chekys, were not yowr reuerrence.
736 Yt were to me solace, þe cruell vysytacyon of deth.
737 Wythout rude behauer I kan not expresse þis inconvenyens.
738 Wepynge, sythynge, and sobbynge were my suffycyens.
739 All naturall nutriment to me as caren ys odybull.
740 My inwarde afflixcyon 3eldyth me tedyouse wnto yowr presens.
741 I kan not bere yt ewynly þat Mankynde ys so flexybull.
742 Man onkynde, whereuer þou be! for all þis world was not aprehensyble
743 To dyscharge þin orygynall offence, thraldam and captyuyte,
744 Tyll Gody own welbelouyde son was obedient and passyble.
745 Euery droppe of hys bloode was schede to purge þin iniquite.
746 I dyscomende and dysalow þin oftyn mutabylyte.
747 To euery creature þou art dyspectouse and odyble.
748 Why art þou so oncurtess, so inconsyderatt? Alasse, who ys me!
749 As þe fane þat turnyth wth þe wynde, so þou art conuertyble.
750 In trust ys treson; þi promes ys not credyble;
751 Thy peruersyose ingratytude I can not rehers.
752 To God and to all þe holy corte of hewyn þou art despectyble,
753 As a nobyll versyfyer makyth mencyon in þis verse:
754 "Lex es natura, Cristus et omnia jura
755 Damnant ingratum, lugent eum fore natum."
756 O goode Lady and Moþer of mercy, haue pety and compassyon
757 Of þe wrechydnes of Mankynde, þat ys so wanton and so frayll!
758 Lett mercy excede justyce, dere Moþer, amytt þis supplycacyon,
759 Equyte to be leyde onparty and mercy to prevayll.
760 To sensuall lyvynge ys reprouable, þat ys nowadays,
761 As be þe comprehence of þis mater yt may be specyfyede.
762 New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought wyth þer allectuose ways
763 They haue pervertyde Mankynde, my swet sun, I haue well espyede.
764 A, wyth þes cursyde caytyfs, and I may, he xall not long indure.
765 I, Mercy, hys father gostly, wyll procede forth and do my propyrte.
766 Lady, helpe! þis maner of lyuynge ys a detestabull plesure.
767 Vanitas vanitatum, all ys but a vanyte.
768 Mercy xall neuer be convicte of hys oncurtes condycyon.
769 Wyth wepynge terys be ny3te and be day I wyll goo and neuer sesse.
770 Xall I not fynde hym? Yes, I hope. Now Gode be my proteccyon!
771 My predylecte son, where be ye? Mankynde, vbi es?

772 MYSCHEFF. My prepotent fader, when 3e sowpe, sowpe owt yowr messe.
773 3e are all to-gloryede in yowr termys; 3e make many a lesse.
774 Wyll 3e here? He cryeth euer Mankynde, vbi es?"

775 NEW GYSE. Hic hyc, hic hic, hic hic, hic hic!
776 þat ys to sey, here, here, here! ny dede in þe cryke.
777 Yf 3e wyll haue hym, goo and syke, syke, syke!
778 Syke not ouerlong, for losynge of yowr mynde!

779 NOWADAYS. Yf 3e wyll haue Mankynde, how domine, domine, dominus!
780 3e must speke to þe schryue for a cape corpus,
781 Ellys 3e must be fayn to retorn wyth non est inventus.
782 How sey 3e, ser? My bolte ys schett.

783 NOUGHT. I am doynge of my nedyngys; be ware how 3e schott!
784 Fy, fy, fy! I haue fowll arayde my fote.
785 Be wyse for schotynge wyth yowr takyllys, for Gode wott
786 My fote ys fowly ouerschett.

787 MYSCHEFF. A parlement, a parlement! Cum forth, Nought, behynde.
788 A cownsell belyue! I am aferde Mercy wyll hym fynde.
789 How sey 3e, and what sey 3e? How xall we do wyth Mankynde?

790 NEU GYSE. Tysche! a flyes weyng! Wyll 3e do well?
791 He wenyth Mercy were honge for stelyng af a mere.
792 Myscheff, go sey to hym þat Mercy sekyth euerywere.
793 He wyll honge hymselff, I wndyrtake, for fere.

794 MYSCHEFF. I assent þerto; yt ys wyttyly seyde and well.

My mind is unsettled, my body trembles like an Aspen leaf. The tears would trickle down my cheeks were it not for my faith. I thought helping the boy was a real joy, a solace for my old age. I can’t say how upset I am and still retain my composure. I must weep and sigh and sob. All worldly things are odious to me. It hurts me deeply that Mankind would mock me. I can’t believe Mankind is so shallow. Man unkind is a more suitable name. I can’t understand at all why anyone would enslave themselves to vice. God became man and suffered and bled and died to save them from sin yet they pursue evil. Man is weak and changeable and can be inconsiderate and discourteous Woe is me–man is so unstable. Man’s trust is treason–his promise unreliable, and his perverseness knows no measure. A noble poet once said: "Law and nature, Christ, and all justice damn the ingrate; they lament that he was born." O good mother of Mercy have pity and compassion on the wretchedness of Mankind. He is so wild and frail. Let your Mercy overrule justice good mother. Let your mercy prevail by my request. Sensual living is the reason for so much that is wrong these days. New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought have perverted Mankind–a sweet boy–from his rightful pursuits. I can’t believe he could remain long with the horrid men if I can help it. I accept my role as his spiritual advisor and will help him. His fast living is a detestable pleasure–Oh vanity of vanities! I, Mercy, will never be convinced that he is truly bad. I will weep and pray for him and never give up. I pray to God I find him soon. Mankind? Where are you?
My all powerful father. When you eat, eat up the whole mess. You are far too glorified in your own words. You tell many a lie. Will you listen? He crieth ever: "Mankind where art thou?!?"
New Guise:
Here, hic, here, hic, here hic, hic, hic, That is to say here! Here! nearly dead in the creak. If you want him so much. Go sigh and sigh and sigh but don't sigh too long or you'll lose your mind.

If you want Mankind Lord oh lord. You'll need to speak to the police or else you'll never find him. How say you sir. My bolt is shut.
I'm dying to pee so beware what you shut. Yikes I have befouled my own foot. Beware this talk of shutting because my foot was foully over shot.
A parliament a parliament, Come forth Nought form behind. We must talk--I'm afraid Mercy will find Mankind. What shall we do to prevent this?
New Guise:
You worry to much. Mankind believes Mercy was hanged for horse stealing. If you tell him now that Mercy is alive and searching for him--Mankind will hang himself for shame and fear.
That's not a bad idea. Pretty clever.

795 NOWADAYS. Qwyppe yt in þi cote; anon yt were don.
796 Now Sent Gabryellys modyr saue þe cloþes of þi schon!
797 All þe bokys in þe worlde, yf þei hade be wndon,
798 Kowde not a cownselde ws bett. Hic exit MYSCHEFF

799 MYSCHEFF. How, Mankynde! Cumm and speke wyth Mercy, he is here fast by.

800 MANKYNDE. A roppe, a rope, a rope! I am not worthy.

801 MYSCHEFF. Anon, anon, anon! I haue yt here redy,
802 Wyth a tre also þat I haue gett.
803 Holde þe tre, Nowadays, Nought! Take hede and be wyse!

804 NEU GYSE. Lo, Mankynde! do as I do; þis is þi new gyse.
805 Gyff þe roppe just to þy neke; þis ys myn avyse.

806 MYSCHEFF. Helpe þisylff, Nought! Lo, Mercy ys here!
807 He skaryth ws wyth a bales; we may no lengere tary.

808 NEU GYSE. Qweke, qweke, qweke! Alass, my thrott! I beschrew yow, mary!
809 A, Mercy, Crystys coppyde curse go wyth yow, and Sent Dauy!
810 Alasse, my wesant! 3e were sumwhat to nere.

810a Exiant

811 MERCY. Aryse, my precyose redempt son! 3e be to me full dere.
812 He ys so tymerouse, me semyth hys vytall spryt doth exspyre.

813 MANKYNDE. Alasse, I haue be so bestyally dysposyde, I dare not apere.
814 To se yowr slaycyose face I am not worthy to desyere.

815 MERCY. Yowr crymynose compleynt wondyth my hert as a lance.
816 Dyspose yowrsylff mekly to aske mercy, and I wyll assent.
817 3elde me nethyr golde nor tresure, but yowr humbyll obeysyance,
818 The voluntary sujeccyon of yowr hert, and I am content.

819 MANKYNDE. What, aske mercy 3et onys agayn? Alas, yt were a wyle petycyun.
820 Ewyr to offend and euer to aske mercy, yt ys a puerilite.
821 Yt ys so abhominabyll to rehers my iterat transgrescion,
822 I am not worthy to hawe mercy be no possibilite.

823 MERCY. O, Mankend, my singler solas, þis is a lamentabyll excuse.
824 The dolorous terys of my hert, how þei begyn to amownt!
825 O pirssid Jhesu, help þou þis synfull synner to redouce!
826 Nam hec est mutacio dextre Excelsi; vertit impios et non sunt.
827 Aryse and aske mercy, Mankend, and be associat to me.
828 Thy deth schall be my hewynesse; alas, tys pety yt schwld be þus.
829 Thy obstinacy wyll exclude the fro þe glorius perpetuite.
830 3et for my lofe ope thy lyppys and sey "Miserere mei, Deus!"

831 MANKEND. The egall justyse of God wyll not permytte such a synfull wrech
832 To be rewyvyd and restoryd ageyn; yt were impossibyll.

833 MERCY. The justyce of God wyll as I wyll, as hymselfe doth precyse:
834 Nolo mortem peccatoris, inquit, yff he wyll be redusyble.

835 MANKEND. þan mercy, good Mercy! What ys a man wythowte mercy?
836 Lytyll ys our parte of paradyse were mercy ne were.
837 Good Mercy, excuse þe ineuytabyll objeccion of my gostly enmy.
838 The prowerbe seyth, "þe trewth tryith þe sylfe." Alas, I hawe mech care.

Let the noose fall where it may. Now saint Gabrielle protect your shoe leather, and all the books of the world if they were opened could not counsel us better.
(Mischief exits)
Hello Mankind, come now and speak with Mercy--he is nearby.
Mankind (distraught):
A rope bring me a rope--I am not worthy.
O.K. O.K. I have one right here. And look there's a tree. Nowadays, Nought let's help him set this up.
New Guise:
Look here Mankind. Do it like this set the rope like so on you neck--that's my advise. (He places a noose around his neck as an example)
Hurry up Nought--I think Mercy is coming we must hurry.
New Guise:
(He's getting choked by the noose) Quick, quick, quick. Alas my throat, Damn you all. Your supposed to be hanging him and not me, you fools!
(They exit)
Get up my precocious, prodigal boy! You are dear to me. He is so frightened that he is almost scared to death.
Alas, I have behaved like an animal. I'm afraid to see him (Mercy). I am not worthy to see your comforting face.
Your guilty confessions wound my heart like a spear. Ask meekly for mercy and you shall receive it. I need neither gold nor treasure, only your humble obedience. If you voluntarily subjugate your heart-I am satisfied.
Can I beg for mercy again and expect to receive it? It is a vile practice ever to offend and then beg mercy; it is childish. I am embarrassed to repeat my abominable transgressions, and I am not worthy to receive any more mercy.
Oh, Mankind , my source of solace, that is a pitiful excuse. The sorrowful tears of my heart are multiplied. Oh Blessed Jesus, help move this sinner to repent! For by the right hand of the Most High the wicked will be overthrown. Arise and ask for mercy Mankind, come back to me. If you die I shall be so sad, it is a pity it should be thus. Don't let obstinacy exclude you from heaven. Lift up your voice and say "Have mercy on me Lord."
The just law of God would not permit such a miserable wretch to be forgiven again and again. It is impossible.
The justice of God will permit forgiveness. God has no joy in the death of the wicked, especially if he could repent.
Then, mercy, Good Mercy. What is a man without mercy? Little is our part in paradise if there is no mercy. Good mercy excuse the inevitable opposition of my spiritual enemy. As the proverb says " The truth proves itself." But alas I am so unsure.

839 MERCY. God wyll not make 3ow preuy onto hys last jugement.
840 Justyce and Equite xall be fortyfyid, I wyll not denye.
841 Trowthe may not so cruelly procede in hys streyt argument
842 But þat Mercy schall rewle þe mater wythowte contrauersye.
843 Aryse now and go wyth me in thys deambulatorye.
844 Inclyne yowyr capacite; my doctrine ys conuenient.
845 Synne not in hope of mercy; þat is a cryme notary.
846 To truste ouermoche in a prince yt ys not expedient.
847 In hope when 3e syn 3e thynke to hawe mercy, be ware of þat awenture.
848 The good Lord seyd to þe lecherus woman of Chanane,
849 The holy gospell ys þe awtorite, as we rede in scrypture,
850 "Vade et jam amplius noli peccare."
851 Cryst preserwyd þis synfull woman takeyn in avowtry;
852 He seyde to here þeis wordys, "Go and syn no more."
853 So to 3ow, go and syn no more. Be ware of weyn confidens of mercy;
854 Offend not a prince on trudt of hys fauour, as I seyd before.
855 Yf 3e fele yoursylffe trappyd in þe snare of your gostly enmy,
856 Aske mercy anon; be ware of þe contynuance.
857 Whyll a wond ys fresch yt ys prowyd curabyll be surgery,
858 þat yf yt procede ouyrlong, yt ys cawse of gret grewans.

859 MANKEND. To aske mercy and to hawe, þis ys a lyberall possescion.
860 Schall þis expedycius petycion euer be alowyd, as 3e hawe insyght?

861 MERCY. In þis present lyfe mercy ys plente, tyll deth makyth hys dywysion;
862 But whan 3e be go, vsque ad minimum quadrantem 3e schall rekyn 3our ryght.
863 Aske mercy and hawe, whyll þe body wyth þe sowle hath hys annexion;
864 Yf ye tary tyll your dyscesse, 3e may hap of your desyre to mysse.
865 Be repentant here, trust not þe owr of deth; thynke on þis lessun:
866 "Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile, ecce nunc dies salutis."
867 All þe wertu in þe word yf 3e myght comprehend
868 Your merytys were not premyabyll to þe blys abowe,
869 Not to the lest joy of hewyn, of 3our propyr efforte to ascend.
870 Wyth mercy 3e may; I tell 3ow no fabyll, scrypture doth prowe.

871 MANKEND. O Mercy, my suavius solas and synguler recreatory,
872 My predilecte specyall, 3e are worthy to hawe my lowe;
873 For wythowte deserte and menys supplicatorie
874 3e be compacient to my inexcusabyll reprowe.
875 A, yt semyth my hert to thynk how onwysely I hawe wroght.
876 Tytiuillus, þat goth invisibele, hyng hys nett befor my eye
877 And by hys fantasticall visionys sediciusly sowght,
878 To New Gyse, Nowadayis, Nowght causyd me to obey.

879 MERCY. Mankend, 3e were obliuyows of my doctrine monytorye.
880 I seyd before, Titiuillus wold asay 3ow a bronte.
881 Be ware fro hensforth of hys fablys delusory.
882 þe prowerbe seyth, "Jacula prestita minus ledunt."
883 3e hawe thre aduersaryis and he ys mayster of hem all:
884 That ys to sey, the Dewell, þe World, þe Flesch and þe Fell.
885 The New Gyse, Nowadayis, Nowgth, þe World we may hem call;
886 And propyrly Titiuillus syngnyfyth the Fend of helle;
887 The Flesch, þat ys þe vnclene concupissens of 3our body.
888 These be 3our thre gostly enmyis, in whom 3e hawe put 3our confidens.
889 þei browt 3ow to Myscheffe to conclude 3our temporall glory,
890 As yt hath be schewyd before þis worscheppyll audiens.
891 Remembyr how redy I was to help 3ow; fro swheche I was not dangerus;
892 Wherfore, goode sunne, absteyne fro syn euermore after þis.
893 3e may both saue and spyll 3owr sowle þat ys so precyus.
894 Libere welle, libere nolle God may not deny iwys.
895 Be ware of Titiuillus wyth his net and of all enmys will,
896 Of 3our synfull delectacion þat grewyth 3our gostly substans.
897 3our body ys 3our enmy; let hym not haue hys wyll.
898 Take 3our lewe whan 3e wyll. God send 3ow good persuerans!

899 MANKEND. Syth I schall departe, blyse me, fader, her þen I go.
900 God send ws all plente of hys gret mercy!

901 MERCY. Dominus custodit te ab omni malo
902 In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen!

902a Hic exit MANKEND

903 Wyrschepyll sofereyns, I hawe do my propirte:
904 Mankynf ys deliueryd by my fauerall patrocynye.
905 God preserue hym fro all wyckyd captiuite
906 And send hym grace hys sensuall condicions to mortifye!
907 Now for hys lowe þat for vs receywyd hys humanite,
908 Serge 3our condicyons wyth dew examinacion.
909 Thynke and remembyr þe world ys but a wanite,
910 As yt ys prowyd daly by diuerse transmutacyon.
911 Mankend ys wrechyd, he hath sufficyent prowe.
912 Therefore God grant 3ow all per suam misericordiam
913 þat ye may be pleyferys wyth þe angellys abowe
914 And hawe to 3our porcyon vitam eternam. Amen!

914a Fynis

God will not make you privy unto his last judgment. Justice and Equity shall be forfeited I will not deny. Obligation will not entirely constrain you except that Mercy shall be present without doubt. Come let us go to this cloister and incline your mind towards God. Don't sin thinking that you are assured mercy, that itself is a sin. It's not a good idea to take advantage of the Lord. God warns against assuming mercy in the story of the lecherous woman of Caana, you can read it in the Holy Bible if you like, "Go and sin no more" it says {in Latin}. Christ saved this woman who was caught in adultery and told her to go and sin no more. So you to should go and sin no more. And beware of assuming God will always be merciful because that is offensive to his favor as I said before. If you feel yourself trapped in the snares of your ghostly enemy feel free to ask mercy but resolve to discontinue sinning. A fresh wound can be cured by surgery but if you let it wait too long it becomes the source of great suffering.
To ask for mercy and hope to receive God's liberality shall be my ever present wish as you have counseled.
In this present life there is plenty of mercy, until death takes us. But when we leave this world God will have an account of all of your actions great and small. Ask for mercy while your soul and body are united and you should receive it, but if you wait until it is too late you may never achieve your desire (heaven). Be repentant now, don't think death is far off, remember "Today is always the day of your salvation." All the virtue in the world, if you can understand rightly, is nothing compared to the great bliss that awaits you in heaven. But no-one can make it alone. Without mercy heaven would be unattainable. This is truth proven by scriptures.
Oh Mercy my sole sweet and unique source of comfort. My special friend you are worthy of my love. For without my deserving it you are receptive to my penance for my inexcusable offences. It hurts my heart to think of how unwisely I have acted. Titivillus--who goes invisible--cast his net before my eyes and by his fantastical visions he corrupted me to evil and caused me to obey New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought.
Mankind, you ignored my warnings about Titivillus who I told you would tempt you. Beware of him in the future as the proverb says" The familiar dart stings less." You know that you have three adversaries and he is master of them all. That is to say the Devil, the World, and the Flesh. Although you call them New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought--the world is what we call them. And Titivillus is none other than the fiend of Hell. The Flesh of which I speak is the Unclean desires of your own body. These, I say, are your three spiritual enemies--in who you had laced your confidence. They brought you to Mischief to conclude your temporal glory. As this worshipful audience has seen. Remember how ready I was to help you I was in no way reluctant. For that reason abstain from such behavior from now on. You have the ability to either save or spoil your soul. You are free to be redeemed or free to be damned God will not constrain you. Beware of Titivillus with his net and his evil intentions. He desires your soul and tries to seduce you--your body is your enemy. Learn from your mistake and God help you.
Since I shall depart father, bless me before I go. God send us all plenty of his great mercy.
(Blessing Mankind) "The Lord preserve you from all evil--in the name of the Father and son and holy spirit , Amen"
(Mankind exits)
Mercy (addressing the audience)
Worshipful masters I have done my intention. Mankind is delivered by the graciousness of the Father. God preserve him from all wicked men. And send him the grace to resist his sensual desires. Now, for His Love who redeemed mankind search your consciences for faults. Think and remember that this world is but vanity which is proved daily by its constant changing. Mankind is wretched, he has proven this. Therefore pray that God grant his sweet mercy that you may one day be play-fellows with the angels above and receive your portion of eternal life.

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